Screw Bindings
by Ginger Cooley

I titled this "Screw Bindings!" b/c with claws like this, he doesn't need them. Alternative titles were "Bite Me!" and more colorful language that I opted against. I had originally drawn this for a Halloween release but was tardy b/c life comes first. This also exhibits how I've been feeling lately, I hope you don't mind *krhainos.
Please full-view and do NOT tell me about the careful workings of snowboard bindings. I'm well aware of them (have a Burton right here next to me), I just didn't feel like drawing them (hence the title).
Please full-view and do NOT tell me about the careful workings of snowboard bindings. I'm well aware of them (have a Burton right here next to me), I just didn't feel like drawing them (hence the title).
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