Goddamn American Cartoons
by K. "Talathia" Nichols

..taking over my country..."- Krhainos.
Sorry Krhainos, but Vincent is Jamaican. :(
Commission for =krhainos. He wanted his character in my 'world'. I threw him in over at Kurt's bar. Seems the only place he'd likely be caught at. May go back and edit a few things. Not sure yet. This sucked 10+ HOURS of my life away.
You all just smile and nod because Kurt and Vincent rarely show up on the Internets. >>;.
Sorry Krhainos, but Vincent is Jamaican. :(
Commission for =krhainos. He wanted his character in my 'world'. I threw him in over at Kurt's bar. Seems the only place he'd likely be caught at. May go back and edit a few things. Not sure yet. This sucked 10+ HOURS of my life away.
You all just smile and nod because Kurt and Vincent rarely show up on the Internets. >>;.
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