The Hungering Cold
by Regentshaw

Finally, after literally MONTHS of playing with this, tweaking and adjusting and just having fun figuring out new things, it is DONE. 
I love the way it turned out, and I'm rather proud of pretty much every aspect of it. First time in a long time I didnt cheat on MOST of the BG (the sky is a screenshot of the sky in Icecrown, because I fail so hard at clouds its nuts.) and the armor makes me all giddy with proudness. XD
He wanted a tauren/wolf hybrid Death Knight. Turned out looking a bit more wolfish than originally intended, but I think it still looks cool. :3
World of Warcraft stuffs belongs to Blizzard
Art is MINE.
Also the blood spatters are from a PS brush set I found, but I cant for the life of me remember where at. If someone knows, please do tell so I can give credit!

I love the way it turned out, and I'm rather proud of pretty much every aspect of it. First time in a long time I didnt cheat on MOST of the BG (the sky is a screenshot of the sky in Icecrown, because I fail so hard at clouds its nuts.) and the armor makes me all giddy with proudness. XD
He wanted a tauren/wolf hybrid Death Knight. Turned out looking a bit more wolfish than originally intended, but I think it still looks cool. :3
World of Warcraft stuffs belongs to Blizzard
Art is MINE.
Also the blood spatters are from a PS brush set I found, but I cant for the life of me remember where at. If someone knows, please do tell so I can give credit!
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